AMZ Insider Info 3/2/20 with CJ Rosenbaum:

Advanced Amazon sellers, this episode of Insider Information is for you..

Okay, we have seen a rise in the number of may be inauthentic suspensions against advanced sellers. Sellers doing big bucks every month, sellers making Amazon boatloads of money.. what we’re seeing is really disturbing, because the suspensions are account suspensions and they’re coming back to back with may be inauthentic. We’re seeing these inauthentic account suspensions just flying in. So this is what you need to know.

One, there has been little warning, so if you get the may be inauthentic and you have any time at all to address it, get it addressed immediately. Either do it yourself and find out how to write your own persuasive plan of action, or call us 1-877-9-SELLER. Ask to speak with me, Brett Sondike, Jason Timchula, Noam, Jen, any of our client relations people will give you good guidance and we can also help you very, very quickly. If you do get any time between the may be inauthentic and the suspension, you’ll want to bang out a great plan of action very, very quickly.

Number two, these suspensions have been very easy to come back from. We have been able to get reinstatements relatively quickly, so it’s not the end of the world, but it is like every other Amazon suspension, whether it’s a listing or an account, extremely frustrating to the Amazon seller. We know you have payroll to make, we know you have overhead, we know it makes no sense that you made Amazon boatloads of money and then boom, you’re getting suspended. But these are coming in at an alarming rate, may be inauthentic, followed by almost an immediate account suspension. If you want to learn more, call for a free consultation. These are on the rise. I hate giving you bad news, but you need to know that advanced sellers are getting suspended from may be inauthentic issues.

Thank you for watching AMZ Insider Info 3/2/20.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

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