Amazon Sending Sellers Inauthentic Complaints & Deactivating Their BEST Listings

Amazon suspended my account. Amazon knocked down a great listing. What should I do? That’s the information contained in this video for every single Amazon seller on earth.

All right, Amazon sellers, so you got the email, you got the notification, your account is down, your best listing is down. What you should do right now, that’s what I want to talk to you about.

Well, let’s assume your account is suspended or your listing is down for inauthentic. It’s a great example to use because it is the most common reason for your Amazon accounts and your listings to go down.

What do you do immediately? Start compiling the documents to support your arguments. If it’s an inauthentic, you got to have killer sourcing documents, and your invoices, evaluating your invoices, is an art all of its own.

That’s what the team at Amazon Sellers Lawyer does. We examine your invoices before we send them to Amazon. I mean like a hawk, with a fine-tooth comb. So make sure you have great documentation. When it comes to inauthentic, it’s invoices.

You want to learn more about avoiding suspensions, here’s the greatest book in the world. You can download it by making a donation to a charity.

If you want us to help you write a killer plan of action for sellers inauthentic complaints, to go through your documents to make sure that Amazon can’t poke holes in them, my team is the best in the world at getting sellers’ accounts reinstated and sellers’ listings reinstated.


The information you provide to our law firm is 100% protected and 100% confidential under the Attorney-Client Privilege. We’re here for Amazon sellers seven days a week.

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