Amazon Sellers REPORTING BASELESS COMPLAINTS Against Other Sellers
I hate it when Amazon sellers attack other Amazon sellers. And if you have been abused by another seller, this video is for you.
Okay, Amazon sellers. So it is not uncommon, in fact, it is becoming more and more common for Amazon sellers to go after other Amazon sellers.
I’m not just talking about what went on in the indictment in Seattle, where people were paying money to have other people taken down. I’m talking about more basic things like one seller making a baseless copyright complaint against another. One seller having his/her staff or family, or even himself buy the products and then return them and making all sorts of claims. It happens all the time and I wish it would stop.
So what do you do as an Amazon seller? Well, I’m going to talk to you today about a case that Briana won where a seller was reporting baseless complaints against another seller.
So what did Briana do? Well, number one, Briana, did the research. Was that copyright complaint valid or was it baseless? And guess what? It was totally baseless. Then Briana wrote to the complainant who we knew was another Amazon seller and said, “Hey, you got to retract this complaint or we’re coming after you for these claims. And we will be compelled to report you to Amazon ourselves, even if that means going through their outside counsel.”
And guess what happened? They retracted the complaint. Our seller is selling products at the same time that you are watching this video. We won the case and I kind of suspect that that seller, that black hat dirty trick seller, is going to stop screwing around with making baseless copyright complaints against other sellers. And I don’t think he’s ever going to mess with any one of our clients.