Amazon Seller v Seller Complaints, Listing Hijacking & Using the Report Abuse Page

With 2 days to go until Q4 hits, I’m really happy to report that Amazon is finally doing something for seller versus seller dirty tricks.

Amazon’s report page has been historically practically useless when a seller has a complaint against another seller. But good news, in these two days before Q4, Amazon seems to apply more resources to that particular complaint system than ever before.

If your listings have been taken advantage of, if your competitors are buying your products and returning them, if your competitors are leaving awful reviews about your products, Amazon seller versus seller reporting system is getting better.

It’s still not great, but it is better and stronger than ever before. I think that’s great news for legitimate Amazon sellers that Amazon seems to be putting some resources in allowing sellers to make complaints about other sellers.

Just please do not make any false complaints against your competitors. It’s not the way to go. You’re opening yourself up to your account being shut down. Only use it when there are significant seller versus seller attacks on your brand, on your listings, and on your account.

Contact us. We’re here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

For additional information on seller v seller complaints on Amazon:

Amazon’s New Terms of Service for Sellers: Paragraph 7B: Disputes – This section basically states that if any sort of dispute arises between more than one participant (Seller A vs. Seller B, or Seller vs. Buyer), each participant releases Amazon of all liability.

Amazon imposed a new agreement upon sellers and there are significant changes (and loopholes) to that agreement that sellers need to be aware of.

Amazon Seller Intellectual Property Right Complaint Suspensions, Liquidators & Seller vs Seller Attacks

Intellectual Property Issues facing Amazon Sellers – These complaints, including some that are seller vs. seller complaints, can be a serious hit on someone’s bottom line, costing them upwards of thousands of dollars per month. Rosenbaum wants people stuck in these situations to know that there are remedies from taking that person to court to simply letting them know that they have a suit drawn up. But despite the veracity behind the complaint, it is important to still respond to each and address them.

Seller vs. Seller IP Complaints against Drop Shippers

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