NEWS TODAY: Amazon REJECTING PLANS OF ACTION (POA) Resulting in Sellers Losing Accounts

This breaking news has to do with every single Amazon seller around the planet because it has to do with plans of action.

Amazon sellers losing accounts, when a listing goes down or your entire account is suspended, you need to submit to Amazon a plan of action. Many of you already know this. Many of you have hired my awesome team to write plans of action for you. But today’s breaking news, whether you’ve ever submitted a plan of action to Amazon or you will in the future, has to do with plans of action.

So what is the breaking news? Amazon is rejecting plans of action really quick.

It’s as if their staff in India in Hyderabad or Bangalore are not even taking the time to do a quick read. Now, I personally have met people in India who work for Amazon who read plans of action. They do have quotas. I don’t know what the quotas are. Here I am with pictures of Amazon staff in India, where I was able to interview them without Amazon’s permission and get inside information that we use to help you.

So the breaking news for sellers losing accounts is that POAs are getting rejected really, really quick. It doesn’t seem like a lot of them are being read. We’re not experiencing it with the plans of action that we write, but we’re seeing it for sellers just like you who submit your own plans of action. So don’t be surprised if you send in a plan of action and you get a kickback rejection really quickly.

If you need help, I’m going to give you two ways to get help. One, do it yourself. Download our book, the Amazon Sellers Guide to Suspensions and Reinstatements. Or number two, contact us and let me and my team help you out and get your listing reinstated or get your account reinstated as quickly as humanly possible.


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