Amazon price gouging accusations against sellers & the ridiculous nature of the latest email Amazon is sending out to Amazon associate accounts.
An Amazon associates account is where you create a website that sends traffic to Amazon, and if that customer purchases, you get some kind of small payment. A lot of people all over the world, a lot of digital nomads, make a boatload of money creating websites that feed traffic into Amazon through these Amazon associate accounts. They are great businesses.
Here’s the ridiculous nature of the latest email that Amazon is sending out for Amazon associate accounts…
It warns you that your account is at risk. It then explains that over the next five days, they’re going pick apart your entire business, and they may totally shut you down. At the very end, here is the most ridiculous thing of the day… It ends with “Warmest regards, Amazon.” How ridiculous is that? They are totally threatening more and more people’s livelihoods, threatening your businesses, and ending it with “warmest regards.”
We saw a minimal dip in Amazon price gouging suspensions.
I was really, really excited today that it was not on the Google trends report as skyrocketing, but it is back with an absolute vengeance. As you are selling products, if you raise your prices at all, even if it matches your costs, even if it matches your shipping fees, if you’re switching to merchant fulfilled, you better be prepared to address a price gouging accusation.
The good news is we are winning these cases, and we’re happy to share our mechanisms with you.
The good news is that they’re coming in more with 72-hour notices as opposed to an immediate suspension, but the bad news is they are increasing again. If you have to raise your prices, be prepared to justify to Amazon under its new Fair Pricing Policy. If you can avoid raising your prices, even if it means making less of an ROI on your products, I really think Amazon sellers should consider it. You need to stay in business right now. The world is in a recession. We may go into a depression, hopefully not, but it’s a possibility… So, if you need to make a little bit less in order to stay safe with your account to avoid a price gouging accusation, I think it may be a good idea for you.
If you have questions about an Amazon suspension, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.
GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.
Read about our law firm’s wins and reinstatements for Amz sellers.