Amazon Deadlines – Submitting Plans of Action for Listing & Account Reinstatement

Deadlines set by Amazon for your invoices, your plan of action, or whatever hoops they want you to jump through.

Over the many years that we’ve been helping sellers, with the thousands of sellers we help, and the tens of thousands of listings that we’ve helped with, we have seen Amazon give you 7 days, 72 hours, 60 days, 90 days, and all these other lines in the sand to get your plan of action over to Amazon.

Now, as a practice, we never blow a deadline. If we cannot get the plan of action back to you for you to submit to Amazon in time for your deadline, we won’t take the case.

However, the flip side of that is that we have never once seen a seller not get reinstated, not recoup their listing, solely because they blew the deadline.

This occurs when sellers hire us to write a great plan of action for them after the deadline has already passed. That’s my experience helping thousands and thousands of Amazon sellers – the deadlines are relatively meaningless, even though we never miss them.

If you have missed the deadline already, I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. You can hire my awesome team of paralegals and lawyers to write the plan of action for you, to analyze your invoices, to analyze your issue, and even pick up the ball when you have submitted failed plans of action to see if we can do a better job than you.

youtubeOr you can give it a shot yourself and can get some guidance from our YouTube channel.

You can download any one of our books by simply donating any amount of money to the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation to raise money to find a cure for pediatric cancers.


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