Press & Media Mentions

Discover the latest Press & Media Mentions of Amazon Sellers Lawyer, the trusted advocate for Amazon sellers worldwide.

cj and rob

Experts rely on Amazon Sellers Lawyer for information on Amazon suspensions & appeals:

At Amazon Sellers Lawyer, we are widely recognized for our work in Amazon seller account suspensions, intellectual property disputes, e-commerce law, and much more. In fact, our team, led by CJ Rosenbaum and Rob Segall, has been featured in numerous top publications, press releases, podcasts, and media outlets. As a result, we continue to provide valuable legal insights to Amazon sellers, brand owners, and online businesses worldwide.


Press Release: The Wall Street Journal

How Amazon Wins: By Steamrolling Rivals and Partners

“CJ Rosenbaum, a lawyer who works on behalf of Amazon sellers, said some of them use intermediary “black box” factories to hide suppliers’ identities from Amazon: “They get the finished goods and ship them to a black-box factory who will ship their products to Amazon.”

Press Release: Forbes

How Many Returns Do You Get Before Amazon Bans Your Account?

“CJ Rosenbaum, Founder of Amazon Sellers’ Lawyer: This is a great question that sheds light on such a pressing issue that most are yet to truly understand. To begin with, I would like to answer the question at hand.

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