One Way To Win Reinstatement When Amazon Can’t Verify Your Supplier

All right, Amazon sellers, today, I’m going to talk to you about a way of winning reinstatement, winning account / listing reactivation when Amazon can’t verify your supplier when they make their phone calls.

We help thousands and thousands of sellers every year. We’re involved in tens of thousands of listings. I love sharing information about how we win reactivation of your account & listings. We are here to provide you with information.

So we have a case, Vin, one of our incredible paralegals won the reactivation of one of our seller’s accounts, reactivation of their livelihood. After Amazon reached out to the source of the products and couldn’t get a response, nobody picked up the phone.

So it’s a simple concept. Here’s what we did to supplement our awesome plan of action. We added (and I know this is simple), we added more supplier information.

So if your writing own plan of action and something is lacking, it is not rocket science. It’s an exercise in persuasive writing. That’s all that a plan of action is.

If Amazon can’t verify your supplier, you need to add more information to persuade the readers at Amazon. These are young people who are fresh out of college. You need to add information, add proof, add documentation so that they can show in this particular case where exactly the products were sourced from.

So Vin, great job. You got this seller’s account reactivated. He’s back in business right now.

If Amazon can’t verify your supplier and you want our help in writing a plan of action for you, me & my incredibly awesome team are here for you seven days a week, 365 days a year.


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