Amazon Sellers Can’t Prove Innocence Without Getting Info From Amazon – WHAT SHOULD YOU DO

Whether you’re facing the same issue that we’re going to be talking about in today’s video or any other issue as an Amazon seller, I want you to know you can call us, you can submit your case on our website. We have a huge case submit button. Put in your information and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.

If you’re considering taking Amazon to arbitration but you can’t prove your case without getting information from Amazon, I want to alert you that this can be a major problem.

So arbitration starts by filing what’s called a demand for arbitration, and that spells out your claims. In that document, never reveal that you can’t prove your case without information from Amazon.

Now, if you do need information from Amazon to prove your case, I’d suggest what you do is go non-expedited, meaning you claim damages of more than $50,000 because through the non-expedited arbitration, you’re going to get more discovery from Amazon. Amazon will be required to give you or turn over more information than what you would get in an expedited case, but won’t never reveal it.

Make sure that your demands for information are written in a way that you’re not revealing that you can’t prove your case without Amazon’s help.

If Amazon’s lawyers think that you cannot prove your case, they may ask the arbitrator to dismiss your claims and throw it out based upon your inability to prove your case.

So be really careful. If you need to be getting info. from Amazon to prove your case, you need to handle this thing carefully. Think well in advance, think strategically, and also I want you to know, you can feel free to contact us for a free consultation. I think me and my team, Rob Segal, my awesome partner, his right-hand person Ashley, that we are the world’s best of representing sellers against Amazon in arbitration.

If you find yourself within an arbitration and you need to talk with somebody, don’t hesitate, contact us. We are available to you seven days a week, literally 365 days a year.


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