20 Days until Q4 – VORYS’ Threatening Letters to AMZ Sellers

Vorys sends out hundreds, if not thousands of claims against third party sellers every year, and the vast majority of those claims are absolutely baseless.

If you are an Amazon seller, I used to tell you to take their letters and throw them in the garbage. We stopped doing that a couple of years ago because Vorys actually did file a couple of lawsuits. So you need to take those letters a bit more seriously. If you receive a letter from the Vorys law firm, don’t freak out. Chances are, the vast majority of the claims are absolutely nonsense.

The one claim I really want you to pay attention to has to do with interference with contract. The claim interference with contract is where you know that a brand has exclusive distribution with particular retailers, yet you still sell that product. That claim, more often than not, has merit, and that’s a claim that needs to be evaluated very, very carefully.

With just 20 days to go until Q4, if you receive a Vorys letter, take no chances, contact us. We will review the letter, we’ll review your product, and we will let you know whether you were or were not violating anyone’s intellectual property rights. We then contact the Vorys firm and do everything we can to make sure that you are not one of the sellers that gets hauled into court.

*** If you hired another company to draft your Plan of Action & they’re not available to you, contact us today. We’re here for sellers every day of the week: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST ***


GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

For additional information on VORYS:

Amazon Sellers Selling Branded Products Receiving Threatening Letters from VORYS

Brand protection done right on Amazon & addressing VORYS letters

Receiving a letter from VORYS: what sellers should do.

How to address a VORYS letter

How We Handle VORYS Letters to 3rd Party Sellers

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