UK Amazon seller reinstated after two inauthentic complaints

AMAZON SELLERS LAWYER SUCCESS: We recently had a success on an inauthentic suspension. Our client was selling power tools on the UK platform and his account was suspended after receiving two inauthentic claims.

The customer claimed that he was unable to find the product’s serial number and therefore believed that the product was a fake. Our client reassured his customer that the product was in fact genuine and offered the customer assistance with locating the serial number.

If a seller gets suspended by Amazon because of an inauthentic claim, they will need to provide proof of legitimate purchase.

Since a seller never knows when or what items will be named in an Amazon suspension, it is in the seller’s best interest to keep track of all purchases. They should keep copies of receipts and invoices. The receipts should contain sufficient information, such as SKUs, product descriptions, prices, etc.

It took more than one appeal to get this account reinstated because Amazon was unable to verify our client’s supplier. In our appeal, we had to explain to Amazon that our client’s suppliers were authorized distributors of the specific power tools that he was selling.

Our client’s account was reinstated and he was elated because Amazon had been withholding a large amount of money due to the suspension of the account.

These are the types of cases that show why a basic letter does not work. Amazon will not always provide specific information regarding the reason for a suspension, so a seller really needs to utilize someone with experience to comb through their account and find the actual issue.

Here, we were able to find out that the buyer complained that they were unable to locate the data code and that is why our client was suspended. Once we explained to Amazon that the product was authentic and could verify our client’s supplier, the account was reinstated and our client was back to doing business as usual.

Why Hiring an Experienced Professional is Important

Suspended accounts do not always get resolved after the first appeal. The road to reinstatement can be extremely frustrating, especially if you are inexperienced with Amazon suspensions.

Amazon sellers need to know that the law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is ready and willing to help you take on Amazon to get your accounts back. With over 35 years of combined experience, we pride ourselves on our collaborative work environment which includes working together with clients to create the best possible plan of action to get our clients’ suspended accounts reinstated.

For assistance with Amz account / ASIN reinstatement, contact us:

[email protected]

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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