Suspended Sellers and Multiple Rights Owner Complaints

Multiple Rights Owner Complaints

Often Amazon Sellers receive fraudulent or baseless intellectual property complaints resulting in the suspension of their selling privileges on the Amazon platform. Amazon Sellers find themselves overwhelmed as they can receive numerous IP complaints at once. Rather than emailing Amazon to assert these claims are false, an Amazon Seller should first take the time to contact each complainant directly in effort to resolve the issue. As the Amazon Seller’s business grows, so do the amount of complaints they receive. However, Amazon Sellers should not feel overwhelmed, as these rights owners are often compliant in retracting their complaints.


Working with the Rights Owner

More often than none, these complainants will retract their IP complaint as they themselves admit these complaints are sent in mass quantities in effort to enforce their brand protection rights. Mix-ups occur daily leaving the innocent Amazon Sellers in an unreasonable position. Nonetheless, Amazon’s notice dispute team will often require the suspended Amazon seller to resolve the rights owner complaint with the rights owner directly before Amazon will reinstate the suspended Amazon account.

Amazon Sellers dealing in large quantities face serious challenges when dealing with multiple intellectual property complaints. Suspended Amazon Sellers must remember to take it piece by piece and find a method of sorting through and contacting each rights owner individually.


Withdrawal of the Intellectual Property Complaint

Convincing the rights owner to retract their complaint is just the first step.  The most challenging task is persuading the rights owner to comply with Amazon’s requirement that to properly retract the complaint they must send a formal retraction email from the email that filed the complaint. This retraction letter should include everything from your suspended Amazon storefront.  The withdrawal of the intellectual property complaint should include the disputed ASIN and complaint ID. These complainants often agree to retract but do not follow the appropriate methods of seeking a retraction. Taking the time to guide them through the retraction process is important to ensuring the complaint is properly withdrawn. A suspended Amazon Seller should respectfully follow up and provide whatever assistance they can to ensure the retraction has been completed.


Amazon Sellers Lawyers’ Conclusion

While this process may seem tedious, it is the best method to reinstate your suspended Amazon account following a suspension due to a series of IP complaints. Waking up to find a performance notification indicating your account has been suspended is the last thing any Amazon Seller wants. A suspended Amazon Seller should always work with, or attempt to work with the rights owner before responding to Amazon. For Amazon Sellers dealing in large volume, this can be a challenging task. In the event a suspended Amazon Seller is unable to handle this process on their own, call 1-877-9-SELLER.

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