Suspended Amazon Account Reinstated

A seller on the ecommerce site Amazon was suspended due to an alleged misuse of feedback.

The seller enlisted a website which automatically messages customers asking for reviews.

After reviewing the account, a Plan of Action was written by our New York team. As detailed in the Plan of Action, the website the seller used was terminated. In addition to addressing this violation, the Plan of Action detailed other changes instituted by the seller including staying up to date on Amazon’s guidelines and retraining of their entire staff.

With the help of our law firm, the seller is back on Amazon.

One crucial technique in learning how to avoid Amazon suspension and other problems with your account is to learn Amazon’s core principles. Keep these in mind when you create your e-commerce business model – it should be largely based on these principles if you plan to run a successful business on Amazon.

Helping Online Sellers Worldwide

To view global upcoming events CJ Rosenbaum will be speaking at, click here.

For more information on Amazon suspensions & appeals, click here.

ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Suspended Amazon Account ReinstatedEmail: [email protected]

100 W. Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11561


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