Amazon’s Lower Representative Decisions May Be Reversed by Amazon’s Higher-Up Management Teams

Amazon sellers, I’m sharing with you inside information about the decisions made by Amazon staff, mainly Amazon’s Higher-Up Management Teams.

Many of you will make phone calls to seller performance, seller support, and Amazon staff. Usually those phones are answered in India, and you need to know what happens when their lower level teams make decisions about releasing money to you.

Here is the frightening news. You can spend hours of your time trying to get someone on the phone at Amazon. You finally reach someone and you get a favorable decision verbally, and also sometimes even in writing. This is what you need to know. The higher ups at Amazon reverse the lower level people’s decisions more than half, more than 50% of the time. Lower level people at Amazon make a decision, their managers and supervisors will actually reverse what they say and what they write.

How do we know this? Rob Segall and I handle a ton of arbitrations against Amazon, and through these arbitrations, we get the opportunity to cross-examine executives that work for Amazon. People that have been with Amazon since the beginning. These people have a lot of inside information. People who have been with Amazon for 10, 15, even 20 years, we get to cross-examine them. We’ve even cross-examined Amazon’s lawyers in one particular case. We learn a ton through cross-examinations at arbitration.

The point is you need to know that whatever a lower level Amazon rep tells you, and even what they write to you, may be reversed by Amazon’s higher staff.

This often occurs when they agree to send you back money for lost inventory or other issues. Don’t be surprised if the money doesn’t show up.

For more advice about Amazon’s higher-up management teams, call for a free consultation 1-877-9-SELLER.

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