Amazon seller reinstated after counterfeit complaint.

Our client was a very big seller located in the United States on the East Coast. His account was suspended due to counterfeit complaints. Before he came to us, he had already reached out to the rights owner and successfully got a retraction.

Because he already had the retraction, we did not find it necessary to reach out to the rights owner a second time. We spoke with our client to find out why exactly he got this specific notification because Amazon was still requesting greater detail. We worked with the client one-on-one and prepared a detailed Plan of Action.

We successfully appealed this to Amazon and were able to show the retraction that he got from the rights owner. His account was reinstated after the first Plan of Action sent to Amazon.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon due to a counterfeit complaint, call for a free consultation today 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Your Guide to Amazon SuspensionsYour Guide to Amazon Suspensions

by CJ Rosenbaum Esq.

There are two main goals of this book:
1.) Educate Amazon sellers about how to avoid suspensions.
2.) Teach suspended Amazon sellers how to get their accounts / ASINs quickly reinstated.

Inside, you will find sample language for Plans of Action pertaining to:
Inauthentic Items, Review Manipulation, Intellectual Property Complaints & more!

For a FREE COPY, contact us today: 1-877-9-SELLER / [email protected]

Table of Contents

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