News Today: Sellers’ Accounts Deactivated For Using Rebate Services Resulting in Review Manipulation

Breaking news for Amazon sellers. It’s bad news, and it is about review manipulation deactivations.

Okay, Amazon sellers, the number of sellers that are having their entire accounts deactivated, not just listing deactivations, but entire accounts being deactivated for review manipulation is skyrocketing right now.

We’re seeing a lot of these cases come in. A lot of you are contacting us. A lot of you Amazon sellers who’ve hired us over the past, I don’t know, six, seven years are contacting us again, because your seller accounts are down, because you are using rebate services that are resulting in review manipulation deactivations.

So here’s my advice, and nothing against the companies that help you with rebates, but for now, lay low. Stop using them. I’m not going to name any of them by name because when I did that a couple of months ago, I got a really angry phone call from a guy that was doing nothing wrong.

So Amazon sellers, the breaking news is that more and more of you are suffering from Amazon account deactivations. You are suspended. You’re out of business. The good news is we think we know why. It is rebates that are resulting in these deactivations. Also, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, that me and my team are getting you back online pretty quickly.

So if your account is down for review manipulation and you are using a rebate service, stop it. Contact us. We’ll talk to you about your options and how my awesome team can help get your Amazon account reactivated as quickly as possible.


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