Sales Velocity Reviews & How It Affects Your Amazon Selling Account

Welcome to another Amazon Insider Information. My name is Jacques, paralegal at Rosenbaum Famularo. Today, I’m here to talk to you about sales velocity reviews. If you receive a sales velocity review notification, it is because Amazon wants to see why there’s been an uptick in sales within the past few months or past year. Sometimes, sellers get this when they’re brand new. It’s when you pass the limit of how many items you can sell. They then release the cap and allow you to sell more items.

If you get a sales velocity review, it’s because they want to know what caused this to happen. Sometimes it can be circumstantial. Sometimes it could be an event that happened that people saw more demand for a certain product you’re selling. Whatever the case may be, Amazon just wants to know why this is happening. To do this, they usually ask for a few things, whether it be the ASIN that you recently sold, how many units of that ASIN you recently sold, your address, any open orders, things of that nature. All Amazon asks of you to do is provide that and give them a reason. Once you provide that, it’s usually a slam dunk. But sometimes it can take up to a week or more.

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