Safety Suspensions: Top 5 Detail & Listing Page Issues
How to Avoid Safety Suspensions & How to Get Listings Restored
Learn how to write a POA to get your Amazon account / ASIN back if suspended.
Top 5 Detail & Listing Page Issues:
#5: ADD WARNINGS: If your product is a nutritional supplement or something else that has a side effect or has something that comes from it, like battery life… you want a warning of those potential side effects. You want to put it right in your detail page to hopefully avoid some consumers making complaints and returning your product and if you have to write a POA, you want to be able to point to your detail page.
#4: DISCUSS YOUR PACKAGING: Warn the consumer what the packaging is like in your detail page using positive language. They should know what to expect when the package arrives at their door.
#3: USE NEGATIVE REVIEWS: that either you have received or your competitor has received in drafting and editing your detail page. You want to use the negative page of your competitors as a way of drafting a better detail page, giving more descriptive information to the consumer.
#2: ALWAYS PLEASE THE CUSTOMER: You want your customer to be satisfied so that you have great arguments in your Plan of Action.
#1: WRITE A GREAT PLAN OF ACTION: If you have to write a POA for a safety issue that has to do with a listing issue or a detail page issue, you want to make sure you hit 3 main categories in your concise and persuasive POA.
Plan of Action Components:
1) Give refund and/or replacement
2) Learn from your mistakes
3) Demonstrate how you are improving your business