Amazon Review Manipulation

SHORT & SWEET: Don’t do it. It is an account killer.

Short Term Gains vs. Long Term Business: a lot of new sellers out there partake in various third party applications, programs, and incentives for a coveted 5 star review. While this can help you rise up in rankings and make more money, this is a short term fix.

Long term, you will get caught, your account will be suspended, and this is very difficult to come back from. Amazon takes this very seriously. They have done several sweeps in the past year where they have taken down hundreds, if not, thousands of very prominent sellers for this.

Review ManipulationThere is a right way to get a review. You sell the product. You provide an honest, good product. You provide good customer service after the fact, and you will get that 5 star review. You will rise up through the rankings and you will have an account and a business that will last a lifetime. This is the way to handle these issues.

There are right ways and wrong ways to contact the customers after the fact. Amazon has a lot of policies on this matter and you should review these and know these like the back of your hand.

Amazon has a great program in place for how to contact your customers and if you are utilizing Amazon’s programs to contact your customers, you’re not going to get suspended for it.

Another thing you should stay away from that Amazon is catching onto quickly is selling your product on your own website and then sending that customer over to Amazon to leave an unverified purchase review. This is a quick way to get a listing or account suspended.

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ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

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