BREAKING NEWS: Prohibited Pesticide/Hazardous Product Claims on Amazon Resulting in Suspensions

Bad breaking news for Amazon sellers. The number of sellers who are being suspended and the number of sellers who are losing their listings, who are being accused of selling pesticides, is absolutely through the roof.

So, what do you need to do as an Amazon seller?

You need to make sure that what you’re selling is not prohibited, that it’s not a pesticide, and I think more importantly, that you really take a good look at your listings and make sure that your listing doesn’t describe something that could be construed as being a pesticide.

If you’re actually selling pesticides, you need to be super careful because the sale of prohibited products could cause not just the listing to go down, but your entire account to be suspended, all of your unrelated inventory to be withheld by Amazon, and all of your money to be withheld by Amazon. So, be super, super careful.

To learn more about selling on Amazon, how we deal with allegations of selling pesticides or hazardous product claims on Amazon, call us at this number below, we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.


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