Private Label Brand Development & Protection


Private Label Brand Development & Protection for AMZ Sellers

As Amazon sellers create their own private labels, our law firm can help sellers with all the essential elements of developing and protecting their brand.

We help sellers defend themselves against baseless IP complaints, obtain withdrawals, and take Amazon to arbitration.

One thing that all sellers should be aware of is listing hijacking and should be monitoring their brand’s ASINs. Hijackers may be selling counterfeit products, infringing products, or inauthentic products. Sellers should also do test buys in order to properly evaluate the products in question are in fact counterfeit, infringing, or inauthentic.

The next step in protecting sellers’ brands would be to issue a cease and desist letter which is an effective way to put offending sellers on notice of pending action if they do not comply with the terms set forth. After the test buy, we draft a report based on the differences between the two products. Then ask our clients to accordingly change the warranty information on both their website and the product detail page. Changing the existing warranty language or drafting initial warranty language is an essential element in reports of infringement, which our team can help with.

Our team has experience with brand protection and defending sellers.

Call us for help with private label brand development & IP protection.


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