How to Preserve Your Ability To Sell Your Products and Send Them Straight To Consumers

Fulfilled by merchant (FBM) is more important than ever before, especially if you’re selling oversized items.

So this is Vin. He’s one of the first paralegals we hired. He’s a brilliant college-educated guy, and he’s won some of the toughest reinstatements we have ever faced. And this week, he won a reinstatement of a fulfilled by merchant seller.

And the reason why I want to talk to you about this particular case is because Amazon has been cutting the shelf space available to sellers who are selling oversized items. And it’s not just the small sellers or the new sellers, big head honcho, big whale of sellers doing millions of dollars, tens of millions of dollars in business a year, are losing their shelf space. So if you are fulfilled by merchant, you’ve got to make sure you preserve it, and any bump in the road, you need to deal with right away to preserve your ability to sell your products and send the products straight to consumers, because Amazon is cutting the shelf space.

You want to learn more about how Vin wins his cases with killer plans of action? Email, phone, submit your case online. You can even text me, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


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