Merchandise Protection on Amazon
CJ Rosenbaum, New York Attorney
Helping Online Sellers Worldwide
My name is CJ Rosenbaum. I’m the founder of a law firm that focuses on and if you are making money through your merchandise and if you are losing money from other people selling your merchandise, we can help you.
If you have not provided a license to a company and they’re selling your t-shirts with your album art, with the names of your songs, with your lyrics, they are violating your intellectual property rights whether you file for protection or not.
Most bands don’t know this. You can stop those sellers from selling your products so that every single fan that wants to purchase a t-shirt with your image on it or your logo, you can reap the benefit of that sale. We can stop them from selling.
The way we operate: The first thing we do is reach out to those sellers through a Cease and Desist Letter. We’ll send them a notice that we prefer not to make a complaint. We prefer not to put them out of business but they have to stop selling merchandise with your intellectual property rights on them.
Most sellers on Amazon will stop selling because they don’t want to put their income, account at risk. They will stop selling your product or they’ll reach out to us and they will be very willing to enter into a licensing deal with you. Then they’ll stop selling.
We are very effective at protecting bands. We refer to them as private label sellers. We can protect you and have Amazon remove those sellers if they are infringing on your intellectual property rights.
Since all we do is focus on Amazon related issues, we are very efficient and cost-effective. If you’re interested in learning how we can help you protect your merchandise, give us a CALL for a FREE consultation: 212-256-1109.
To view all global upcoming events CJ will be speaking at, visit here.
For more information on Amazon suspensions, visit this page.
ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.
CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.
Merchandise Protection on Amazon
100 W. Park Ave. Long Beach, NY 11561