AMAZON INSIDER INFORMATION: The Detailed Explanation of May Be Inauthentic Suspensions

These suspensions are really difficult. So if you’ve got one of these, you’re most likely listing against a gated brand and it might even be a counterfeit complaint that’s hidden as an inauthentic or it may be inauthentic because Amazon took it down because the listing is gated, or the brand’s gated, so immediately remove all your inventory.

If you have one of these type of suspensions and you’re appealing them on your own, remove all your inventory. Tell them that you’re viewing each of the listings and the brands before you list them and do that.

If you are skeptical of whether you could sell the brand, there are plenty of restrictive brands lists, but they are not 100% accurate. I would go onto the brand’s website. Sometimes on the website, it’ll show you an authorized distributor list detailing for Amazon. If they do that, don’t sell that branded product because they more than likely have a brand protection team (like we do) that’s sweeping that brand every day.

So if you see somebody on the website for a brand that you’re looking to sell, and it says these listed authorized distributors, don’t sell that brand. Find a new brand. Or if you really want to, contact them and try to get the distribution agreement, because they will do anything possible to take your products down for counterfeit, for quality controls as authorized distributors have, and you wouldn’t have as a reseller, but even if you sourced it directly from them.

It’s really not worth the headache, so you might as well just not deal with that. So if you do this, if you’re researching a branded product, go to their website, make sure that they don’t have an authorized list of distributors. You still can get these type of suspensions, but this is a way to fight these maybe inauthentic or counterfeit, because they’re very hard cases to win. That’s why I’m telling you remove everything. Don’t give any option that you have any lingering infringing inventory. And appeal through the appeal button, as well as email. I’ve been getting a lot more responses through the appeal button, but you should always send it through email as well. It just gives you more of an option to receive a response, as Amazon routinely doesn’t respond to it. If you’re still having trouble, call us.


*** If you hired another company to draft your Plan of Action or Appeal and they’re not available to you, contact us today. We are here for Amazon sellers every day of the week: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST ***

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

For additional information on inauthentic suspensions:

3 Vital Tips for Dealing with an Amazon Inauthentic Suspension / Allegation

Tips for Amazon Sellers Submitting Inauthentic Suspension Appeals

Amazon Inauthentic Suspensions: what sellers need to show on invoices from suppliers & their own invoices.

Plans of Action for Maybe Inauthentic Suspensions on Amazon. Get Reinstated Today.

Winning Plan of Action for Inauthentic Suspension on Amazon

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