More Sellers Suspended By Amazon

How many sellers are suspended on Amazon?There are no public numbers regarding how many sellers have been suspended by Amazon, but with over 2 million sellers and counting on the platform, it’s safe to assume that thousands of sellers have faced or are facing Amazon suspension at any given time.

These include third-party sellers, FBA sellers, retailers who drop ship — you name it. And with Amazon cracking down on fake reviews and other stricter regulations, these numbers are likely to grow.

No matter how you sell on Amazon, if you aren’t aware or compliant with the rules, you can quickly find yourself in the “Suspended by Amazon” group. And it’s not a great place to be.


Small vs. Large Sellers on Amazon

Retailers of all sizes are bound by the same rules and regulations as everyone else. However, smaller retailers who get suspended by Amazon often find the appeals process to be more daunting than experienced larger retailers. While it can be harder for small sellers to fight suspensions, it’s by no means impossible.

Some choose to open multiple seller accounts, others make the move to eBay, while some seek legal help with their Amazon appeal. Some options are better than others, but there’s one thing you should always avoid when you’ve been suspended by Amazon.

Doing nothing.

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Avoiding Getting Suspended By Amazon

Of course, the best course of action is to avoid getting suspended by Amazon in the first place. It’s not always that simple though. While Amazon maintains that they “treat sellers like customers,” they also admit that changes that may cause suspension sometimes happen quickly without much warning to sellers. That’s why it’s always important to monitor your Amazon account to keep an eye on the latest changes and your current seller standing.

While there are no guarantees when it comes to Amazon suspension, having experienced legal guidance is a great way to navigate the confusing and complex problems that arise from suspensions. If you find yourself facing suspension, give Amazon Sellers Lawyer a call at 1-877-9-SELLER or email [email protected] today.


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