Inside Information From Amazon’s Staff In India: Brand Registry

One of the first people I spoke with was a young man. He called himself a “fresher”, meaning fresh out of college. He was probably about 22 to 24 years old, and he worked on the brand registry team. I met him at night, it was roughly 11:00 PM, and it was outside one of Amazon’s offices where there was no signage at all. There was nothing there to indicate that Amazon was working out of the building, but according to this young guy, there were approximately a thousand people working in this building for Amazon. He told me that Amazon tends not to identify their buildings, other than their main campus, which is about another mile away from where I was.

The sellers who are selling in India are deemed to be the most difficult. The Chinese sellers, the sellers located in China, are the second most difficult, followed by third, the American sellers. What they complained about is that American sellers, while they’re more business savvy, tend to be a lot less patient, which means they deny your request more than they do for other sellers. Sellers located in the UK for example, are known to be more polite and more patient. While they pride themselves on not treating sellers differently based upon where they’re located, these people are only human, and when American sellers come across as rude or impolite, they tend to get less help from Amazon staff.

He also confirmed to me that almost everything that they do in brand registry is based upon scripts that they have, but when an Amazon staff member from brand registry has an issue with the script or he/she thinks there’s a better way of solving a problem or dealing with sellers or customers in other teams, they can submit proposed changes to their auditing team and those processes get reviewed by higher-ups and different teams for changing the script-based system. Also, there is almost always (at least according to this person) the opportunity for the Amazon staff member of the brand registry to decide whether or not that particular seller is qualifying for the brand registry. Factors when it comes to brand registry: how long it’s going to take for brand registry to be approved is entirely in the hands of the individual reviewing your emails or speaking with you by phone.

So what are the takeaway points here? Number one, Amazon staff are script-based. Number two, they do have some ability to figure out whether you do or do not fulfill their qualifications. Number three, you have to deal with these people with courtesy and respect because if you don’t, they’re certainly slowing down your application.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

Inside Information From Amazon's Staff In India: Brand RegistryCJ Rosenbaum, Founding Partner

Amazon Sellers Lawyer
Rosenbaum Famularo, PC

Defending Amazon Sellers’ Rights

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