Amazon Packaging Materials – Why India’s Amazon Packaging Crackdown Matters

Amazon packaging materialsRecently, the Indian government took action against both Amazon and rival Flipkart, claiming both companies violated packaging standards on their shipped goods.

What does this mean for you? Well, even if you don’t live in India, sell out of India, or ship much to India, you should still pay attention to what’s happening.

This crackdown was sparked by customer complaints, which is an important metric on every Amazon Seller’s dashboard.

While you probably won’t have your goods physically seized by the government due to customer complaints, enough of them can result in an Amazon suspension. That’s a scenario that every Amazon Seller should try to avoid.

Here are some things that you’ll always want to include on your packaging materials and/or product listings to help you avoid any customer confusion or complaints:

  • Description of the item (including weight, whether it’s new or used, place or origin, etc.)
  • Shipping times and methods
  • Contact information
  • Return or exchange policy

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’s a good checklist to start with if you’re just starting to list items on Amazon. Having plenty of information available upfront to customers can help minimize confusion and allow you to meet their expectations more fluidly, which will give you the best chance at avoiding unsatisfied customers and their complaints.

However, even if you included every bit of information on your item listings and packaging materials, there are a few different ways that Sellers can get suspended by Amazon.


Amazon Packaging Materials Suspension

If you find yourself facing suspension for any reason, give us a call at 1-877-9-SELLER or email [email protected] for legal help and expertise.

Defending Sellers’ Rights – Rosenbaum Famularo, PC, the law firm behind can assist you in discovering the issues within your Seller account that caused your Amazon account suspension. We’ll provide a detailed analysis of your Seller account, identify the underlying issues, and figure out how to address each of them before we complete your Plan of Action and get your account reinstated.

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