Inauthentic Amazon Suspensions: Supply Chain

Supply chain inauthentic suspensions:

The latest permutation of inauthentic suspensions.

If you’re a suspended Amazon seller that’s received a proof of supply chain email, these are a bit different. You can’t just submit your invoice or retail receipt.

Inauthentic suspensions are by far the #1 reason why Amazon sellers lose their account or ASIN.

CJ Rosenbaum, the founding partner of Rosenbaum Famularo, law firm behind, talks about authorization letters and supply chain inauthentic suspensions.

You need to have a Plan of Action that delineates 3 things:

1. What did you do to immediately make that client/customer happy?

2. What are you going to do with your business to make sure you don’t have problems again in the future.

3. If you are the brand owner and you receive a supply chain inauthentic suspension, you need to show that you own that brand. You can do so easily if you apply a trademark. You can also substantiate it through providing the emails of developing your brand, of developing your mark, of writing to your supplier, of getting prototypes to really show that you own this brand.

If you are not the brand owner, then you have to show not just your invoices and receipts, but you are going to have to demonstrate to Amazon not just where you purchased your products from, where you sourced them or who your distributor is, but show the chain that goes all the way back to the manufacturer. If you do have the distribution letters or authorization letters from the brand, that’s great too to show Amazon that you are an authorized seller.

While Amazon publishes that you can and may redact things from your invoices, we recommend that you don’t.

Inauthentic Suspensions & Supply Chain – Helping Online Sellers Worldwide

View global upcoming events CJ Rosenbaum will be speaking at here.

For more information on Amazon suspensions & appeals, visit here.

Inauthentic Suspensions & Supply ChainROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

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