How to write Plan of Action if your account / ASIN was suspended on Amazon

The #1 thing that we do to help sellers write Plans of Action is to divide it into three sections:

  1. The first section is called your route cause. That’s Amazon’s language and it identifies what caused the problem.
  2. The second section you need to write about is what you immediately did to make the customer happy. Consumers often make complaints and you have to tell Amazon what you did to make that customer happy – whether the customer was right or whether the customer was wrong. You could let them keep the product, refund the money, give them a free one, but you have to do something to make that customer happy.
  3. The third section that you have to write about are the long term changes to your business that are going to show Amazon that you’re not going to have any problems in the future. And by doing this, you are promising Amazon and their customers that they’re not going to have any more problems with your products.

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How to Write Plan of Action View upcoming global events CJ Rosenbaum will be speaking at.

For more info. on Amazon suspensions & appeals, visit here.

ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

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