How to Win Reinstatement for Listing & Account Suspensions on Amazon in 2021

Safety complaints on Amazon are easily won if you have the right documents and you have the right arguments.

This is Chris. He’s one of our brilliant paralegals. This week, he won a huge safety complaint suspension by submitting documents that show that the product was exactly the way it should be. The product was safe for the consumer and that the safety complaint was most likely just totally bogus.

So, if you receive a safety complaint, take a deep breath, review our content, search for safety complaints, search for plan of action.

If you want us to take the wheel, if you want Chris to review your case, contact us through our case submission, call us on the telephone. We’re here for you. I also want to make sure that you’re aware that we really pride ourselves on providing you with the information so you can make educated decisions and also help yourself. Please make sure you like this video and also subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Our Amazon appeal process has been perfected over time and we know how to write an appeal that will give you the best chance of reinstatement. We can assist you in discovering the issues with your account suspensions on Amazon. We’ll provide a detailed analysis of your seller account, identify the underlying issues, and figure out how to address each of them before we complete your Plan of Action to get your account or listing reinstated.

As a law firm, our team stands up for sellers against baseless IP complaints and obtains withdrawals. When Amazon refuses to reinstate accounts or release sellers’ money, we take Amazon to arbitration. As Amazon sellers pivot into creating their own private labels, our team helps sellers with development and IP protection.

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