How do you contact Amazon Seller Performance if suspended on Amazon?

A common issue Amazon sellers face most often is the dreaded account or listing suspension.

Amazon Seller PerformanceWhen you’re scrambling to regain access to your account or listing, it may seem like you can never get in touch with anyone at Amazon at all – well, it turns out your suspicions are completely correct.

Here’s the answer when it comes to how to contact seller performance: you just can’t.

The way Amazon seller performance is set up means you must communicate via email no matter what. When you are dealing with an Amazon suspension of any kind, it’s true that you will not be able to get anyone on the phone. You are bound to your seller dashboard when it comes to getting in contact with seller performance.

If you are having this type of issue with a suspension on Amazon, call our law firm for a free consultation today: 1-877-9-SELLER. We are here for sellers seven days a week and any information that you provide to us is 100% protected and confidential.

Rosenbaum, Famularo & Segall PC: brand protection by the law firm that wrote the books on selling products on Amazon.

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