How to Get Your Account Back After Getting Hit With A Related Accounts Suspension on Amazon

Today, I’m going to be talking about a huge success we had where our client paid one flat fee and we were able to get both of their accounts reactivated after they were suspended for related accounts.

Okay, Amazon sellers, so this is an actual file. We just won this case. It’s our file number 04923. It was worked on by senior paralegal, Ashley and Chris, another one of our genius paralegals.

Our client had opened up one account using a service provider, which is absolutely not necessary. That account was never fully opened and then they opened up a second account because the first service provider just simply couldn’t get the job done.

So, here are some of the takeaways…

Number one, you don’t need any service provider to open up an Amazon seller’s account.

It is totally not necessary. You can do it yourself, no problem at all.

Number two, if you’re using any third-party service provider, you have to vet them extremely well because there are a lot of snake oil salesmen out there.

There are a lot of consultants that are just trying to get your money and I can’t tell you how many calls we get every single week from people who have been taken advantage of by consultants who just didn’t have the ability to get their accounts reactivated or their listings reactivated.

Number three, how did we win this case?

Well, plans of action were failing because Amazon was entirely right. It was the same people opening up a second account, so the related account accusation was entirely accurate. So plan plans of action were not going to work. What did we do? We used the relationships that we have with several people that work within Amazon and outside of Amazon, and I’m not going to name names. We drafted what we call a pre-arbitration correspondence or a pre-arb letter, and we explained very clearly to the teams that read these documents, different from the teams that handle plans of action, but the teams that handle these documents are higher-level employees over at Amazon.

The ability to write to higher levels of people or higher level teams at Amazon are just one of the things that we have that consultants don’t have the ability to do.

So, number one, if you get hit with a related account suspension, we can try and help you with a flat fee. Our flat fee is $3,500. Number two, be very careful of hiring consultants. Many times you don’t need them at all and if you check the forms, there are a lot of consultants out there that are causing problems. And number three, through our vast experience working with Amazon sellers just like you, with Amazon’s outside council, Amazon’s inside council, cross examining Amazon’s executives, questioning Amazon staff in India, by just being among the thought leaders in this industry, we are the best in the world.

For this particular case where Amazon was right about catching a seller with more than one account, we were still able to get a victory. So congratulations, Ashley & Chris. Amazon sellers, if you have problems with a related accounts suspension on Amazon, you can reach out to us 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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