This is absolutely urgent, vital, important, breaking news for Amazon sellers.

General Tools & Luxottica are suing Amazon sellers left & right.

They’re getting temporary restraining orders, freezing your accounts, freezing your money, freezing your inventory. Amazon has to comply with court orders. They have no choice. Amazon sellers, if you’ve been sued by General Tools, call this number right now 1-877-9-SELLER.

If Luxottica is accusing you of selling counterfeit sunglasses, and you’re selling genuine sunglasses, they have violated the law. Not you. They violated your right to be free from defamation. They violated your right to have your contract with Amazon flow freely without interference. They are violating your rights and you can use these legal claims as leverage against Luxottica. Get your listings back, get your accounts back – you can beat the big guys.

Amazon sellers, you need to know during the Coronavirus epidemic and ongoing / forever, you have tremendous amounts of strength. You can drop kick them, you can head butt them, you can give them a Mike Tyson knock down punch when you’ve been falsely accused of selling counterfeit products.

You need to know about this right now and you need to know that you can call and speak to me for a free consultation if you have been sued by General Tools, by Luxottica or any other big brand. We have settled dozens, if not hundreds, of claims against sellers all over the world. You don’t have to take this lying down. A lot of these cases are being served by email. Watch your email. Don’t let these big guys take advantage of you. Thank you for joining me for this episode of Amazon Sellers Breaking News 3/16/20.

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