With unparalleled experience in law and ecommerce, we are a dynamic law firm approaching your Amazon issue from every angle. Our Amazon seller services are #1 worldwide. We write appeals for account / listing suspensions. We retain retractions for intellectual property complaints. Our law firm protects & monitors private label brand IP. We represent Amazon sellers in litigation. In addition, we offer traditional legal services for businesses like contract drafting, sale of business & more.

Most importantly, we are available for Amazon sellers worldwide with teams in the USA & China. In any event, we offer free consultations 7 days a week: 1-877-9-SELLER
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Amazon Seller Services by the Official Amazon Sellers Lawyer

Amazon Account & Listing Suspensions

We Reinstate Suspended Amazon Sellers

We harness the power of the law when it comes to Amazon suspensions. In contrast, non-lawyers do not have the resources, education or expertise to use these strategies. They also have zero obligation to keep your information private. As a law firm, we are legally bound to keep everything you say 100% confidential by the Attorney-Client Privilege.

So, your account or listing has been suspended on Amazon.. What to do? The next steps to get you reinstated largely depends on why you are suspended. If the email you receive from Amazon does not clearly outline why you’re suspended, contact us for a consultation on the best way to deal with your situation 1-877-9-SELLER.

Arbitration Against Amazon

In your contract with Amazon, you give up the right to take them to court. However, you gain the ability to get disputes resolved through arbitration.

If Amazon refuses to reinstate your account, release your money, or give you back your inventory and you can’t resolve things with a Plan of Action, you have the right to take Amazon to binding arbitration. Suspended sellers can get their account back by arbitration. It’s conducted the same way as trial lawyers present cases. Make it simple, concise, persuasive. Tell how you did nothing wrong and that Amazon unfairly suspended your account. Amazon sellers should use notions of fairness to get their accounts back at arbitration. Suspended sellers should point out that Amazon refuses to reveal how they make decisions against sellers.

Intellectual Property Law

We Register IP Rights, Monitor Brands, and Protect Against Infringement Online

You need to know about intellectual property law. Especially if your Amazon account is suspended because of an IP complaint. Sometimes, a complaint is totally baseless. You have options if that’s the case. Navigating the legal process is treacherous without proper knowledge of how to avoid its associated pitfalls and quagmires. Our intellectual property lawyers guide you through the legal process. If you’re accused of violating intellectual property rights, contact us for a free consultation.

Settling Cases & Representing Sellers in Litigation

Our litigation department generally focuses on two areas:

1. Settling cases for ecommerce sellers who are sued for selling counterfeit products.

2. Representing sellers when they sue brands that made false counterfeit complaints against them.

Brand Protection

As a law firm, our team stands up for Amazon sellers against baseless IP complaints. In other words, we obtain withdrawals.

When Amazon refuses to reinstate accounts or release sellers’ money, we take Amazon to arbitration.

As sellers pivot into creating private labels, we file intellectual property and protect private label brands from counterfeiting.


Business Law

We offer a wide range of legal services tailored for online businesses.

We also provide strategic advice to protect your business from common & easily avoidable issues on & off Amazon. In addition, our firm helps sell Amazon businesses.

Business Agreements, Non Disclosure Agreements, License / Distribution Agreements, Intellectual Property Assignments, Contract Drafting & Reviewing, Contract Negotiation / Disputes, Employment Law, Sale of Business, Business Start-Up

With decades of experience drafting agreements on a myriad of subjects and fields, we’re confident we can prepare an agreement for your needs. Whether it’s a partnership, shareholder, operating agreement, or other type of business contract, contact us to find out how we can assist you.

Amazon Seller Services: Dealing with Buyer Complaints

Our law firm is designed to provide Amazon sellers with a licensed attorney who can utilize the law to dispute buyer complaints that jeopardize your seller account.

In any case, our lawyers help Amazon sellers address complaints and negative feedback from a legal perspective to prevent account and/or listing suspensions.

Our team assists Amazon sellers with a two-step approach designed to handle buyer complaints and avoid suspensions:

STEP 1:  Investigate the complaint to see if it is valid. Then provide a method of resolving the issue amicably.

STEP 2: When the complaint is invalid, we seek our clients’ lost profits. We also adequate reimbursement for the business interruptions caused by the complaint.

Inauthentic Complaints

In the eyes of Amazon, an inauthentic item is defined by where the seller purchases it. Items purchased from any source other than the authorized manufacturer of the product are considered to be inauthentic – even if they are indeed the “real” brand name product.

Used Sold as New

Anything that is returned, has damaged packaging, or is opened but not used cannot be labeled as “new” pursuant to Amazon’s conditions policy. Even though a product is brand new and never used, it may have damage to the packaging or previously opened and later returned.

Not As Described

Do not get hit with this type of buyer complaint. It’s in your best interest to look at your listing/s and make sure the pictures match exactly to the product/s being sold. Also make sure the descriptions perfectly describe the product/s you’re selling on Amazon.

Ordered Wrong Item

Amazon holds sellers responsible when customers return items because it was the wrong item. Sellers have to be proactive so this doesn’t occur. Improve your Amazon listings with quality photographs and thorough, understandable, descriptions. This way, buyers will be less likely to mistakenly purchase a product.

Copyright Complaints

Copyright law for Amazon sellers mainly focuses on images and verbiage. Sellers should not use photographs or images that they don’t own. Take your own photos for listings. Don’t copy verbiage from anyone’s product or website and use it on your detail page.

Trademark Complaints

Trademark law for Amazon sellers is focused on the use of logos and other marks. Private label sellers should file for trademark protection of their logo and name of the brand they develop. Do not take another person’s or company’s trademark and put it on your products.

Amazon Seller Services by the Official Amazon Sellers Lawyer

As a law firm, we offer legal services for Amazon sellers with benefits that non-attorneys cannot provide. This includes legal documentation, the ability to pursue lost profits, and 100% confidentiality.

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Amazon Account Suspensions & Appeals Letters

We reinstate suspended sellers with skillfully-written Plans of Action.

We address Amazon suspensions from a legal perspective to get you reinstated right away. Our strategy involves an initial investigation of your account. After that, we follow up with a report that clearly outlines the main issues for you. Our Plans of Action for suspended Amazon sellers help many accounts get reinstated. To view our reinstatement success videos, click here.

Intellectual Property Complaints

If you receive a rights owner complaint, we are here to help.

We help sellers with IP complaints on Amazon. These complaints sometimes lead to account / listing suspensions. Therefore, our team fights rights owner violations. There are 3 steps we take in dealing with intellectual property suspensions: 1. Analyze the account to see if there’s any violation. 2. Work to get the complaint withdrawn. 3. Send a Plan of Action to Amazon.

Private Label Brand Development, Policing & Protection

We protect private label brands against hijackers and counterfeiters worldwide.

When a potential client comes to us for a brand protection issue, our team drafts a cease & desist letter. We send the cease & desist communication to the hijackers / infringers. After that, we allow them 2 days to respond to our request to remove the infringing content. When sellers do not respond or cooperate with our C & D letters, we draft a Report of Infringement which is then delivered to Amazon’s legal teams.

Is Amazon holding onto your money / inventory?

We represent Amazon sellers against Amazon via binding arbitration.

In your contract with Amazon, you give up the right to take Amazon to court. However, what you gain is the ability to have your disputes resolved through arbitration, which is faster & cheaper. We take the fight right to Amazon and take the decisions out of their hands. In other words, we work with the seller, identify what the issues are, and make sure that the arguments we make are persuasive. For a suspended AMZ seller, recouping inventory & money is crucial. By filing for arbitration, you can take the decision out of Amazon’s hands and legally bind them to the decision of an arbitrator.

Have you been falsely accused of selling counterfeit products?

You may be entitled to significant damages.

If you are selling products on Amazon and have been falsely accused of selling counterfeit products, WE want to talk to YOU. In the event that you are wrongfully accused, our law firm is successful at resolving rights owner disputes and dealing with Amazon. We assure you 100% confidentiality and protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Dealing with threatening letters from the VORYS law firm.

We have extensive experience dealing with their claims.

VORYS is a law firm that sends letters to 3rd party sellers all over the world telling them that they cannot sell items. If you are an Amazon seller in this situation, we address countless letters from VORYS each year for our clients. Sellers can, in fact, buy and sell practically every product with very limited exceptions. Many VORYS letters ignore the First Sale Doctrine. Contact us for more info. on VORYS letters & other litigation / threats asserted against you.

Amazon Sellers Lawyer

Amazon Seller Services by the Official Amazon Sellers Lawyer

Amazon Sellers Lawyers reviews

We are client-oriented. In other words, we focus on making the end-to-end experience enjoyable & efficient. Work with us; your needs will be met & preferences are taken into account. As a result, you can sit back, relax & trust the process.

Values of Client-Centered Law Firms:
  • Develop Deep Client Empathy
  • Practice Attentiveness
  • Generate Ease with Communications
  • Demand Effortless Experiences
  • Create Clients for Life
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Experts rely on the Amazon Sellers Lawyer team for information on Amazon suspensions & appeals

In order to help with your Amazon issue, call us for a free consultation today:

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CJ Rosenbaum, Anthony Famularo & Rob Segall’s Amazon Training Center

Grow, build value & thrive with your Amazon-based business.

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Amazon Training Center on-demand

Access Online Training To Grow Your Amazon Business 24/7

This program says “no” to theory, fluff, and hours of confusing videos so you can literally follow a clear path in scaling an Amazon business.

Learn With The Amazon Training Center:

How to treat your AMZ business like a real business.

Stop other sellers from stealing your sales.

Take advantage of intellectual property.

Write and issue press releases.

Diversify your products & sources.

Coaching with CJ Rosenbaum, one of the founding partners of Rosenbaum, Famularo & Segall, PC, the law firm behind AmazonSellersLawyer.com

Our books are for those wanting to learn about Amazon suspensions, brand protection, and intellectual property law in the USA & China.

Download our books for a small donation to the Ty Campbell Foundation.

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Amazon Employment Issues?

Forms + Services for Amazon Employees

Find out how we can help you.

Employment Law Issues for Amazon Sellers

Amazon employees have the right to:

• Report an illness or injury caused by unsafe working conditions without fear of retaliation or being harassed, punished, terminated.
• Ask Amazon to fix any unsafe conditions or violations of O.S.H.A. standards without fear of retaliation.
• Refuse to work in unsafe or dangerous conditions without fear of retaliation.
• Work without fear of unsafe machinery or equipment or toxic chemicals or other fumes.
• Receive free and effective work safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, or masks.
• Receive training and educational resources regarding O.S.H.A.’s compliance requirements.
• Ask O.S.H.A. for an inspection or investigation of an unsafe or dangerous condition in the workplace.
• See reports of threats or danger that an O.S.H.A. investigator finds.

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