Band Merchandise IP Protection: how musicians can protect their brand.

Band Merchandise IP Protection: how musicians can protect their brand.

A new book we are working on, “Brand Protection & Protecting Musical Bands”, deals with topics such as copyright, trademark, trade dress.

We all know that very little is actually made on music itself.
The way bands make money is by performing live and selling merchandise.

How can brand protection attorneys help rock bands, pop stars, vocalists, and other musicians / artists?

One of the main things our firm can do is, we help monitor online retailers, such as Amazon, and make sure that only authorized sellers are selling a certain band’s or musician’s merchandise.

Through our special software, we are able to watch products, brands, and ASINs for listing hijackers.

Band Merchandise IP Protection

Our law firm can stop someone who is selling a t-shirt with your album art on it if they weren’t authorized by you to do so.

Information regarding our new book:

Some of the chapters include creating a website if you don’t want to necessarily sell on Amazon alone. You can create your own website by registering a domain name, using a website builder to help create your own unique website to sell products online.

Sections about copyright and trademark infringement can be found in our upcoming book informing you on what your rights are with a registered copyright / trademark, or even without a registered copyright / trademark. You still have rights and protections available to you.

Helping Online Sellers Worldwide

View upcoming global events CJ Rosenbaum will be speaking at here.

Band Merchandise IP ProtectionROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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