Amazon Sellers Lawyer Success: ASIN reinstated for used electronics seller Another suspended Amazon Seller is back on track after multiple defective product complaints that resulted in an account suspension.

An Amazon Seller was accused of delivering multiple defective products to Amazon’s customers. The Amazon Seller sold used products which suffered multiple supplied defective claims…the ODR rate was bad.

To get the Amazon Seller back to selling, we were retained. Upon our advice, the Amazon Seller communicated with the customers who claimed defective products and offered refunds or replacement. The Seller removed the controversial products and promised Amazon that they would not relist the problematic products. The suspended Amazon Seller instituted systemic improvements to its business.

A “Quick Start Guide” was created to help consumers and avoid further issues.

Amazon asked for the usual information regarding the complaint: the reason for the issue, the steps taken to fix it, and how the Seller plans to keep the same problem from re-occurring, etc. Through the guidance of Rosenbaum Famularo, the law firm behind, and the Plan Of Action created by the team, the suspended Amazon Seller is back online.

Amazon Sellers Lawyer Success: ASIN Reinstated for Used Electronics Seller

By: Adina Grodsky, Summer Law Associate, Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C.

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