Amazon Sellers Lawyer,
CJ Rosenbaum on Appealing Amazon Suspensions, Bans & Business
Today, we sit down with CJ Rosenbaum, the official Amazon Sellers Lawyer.
CJ has successfully defended against some of the biggest corporations in the world (McDonald’s, Sears, and KFC to name a few).
In this discussion, he goes over an action plan to appeal an Amazon suspension, how to deal with bans, the difference between Amazon FBA sellers and entrepreneurs, and much more.
CJ Rosenbaum represents entrepreneurs, thus creating the largest law firm for online sellers.
If you find yourself suspended on Amazon, please contact us right away for a free consultation: 1-877-9-Seller
CJ Rosenbaum is the author of many books for Amazon sellers:
Your Guide to Amazon Suspensions & Reinstatement
There are 2 goals of this book: Educate Amazon sellers about how to avoid suspensions and teach suspended Amazon sellers how to get their accounts/ASINs quickly reinstated.
Amazon sellers can use what we have learned after helping thousands of suspended sellers maintain their selling privileges and use the information and sample Plans of Action to get your selling privileges reinstated as soon as possible.