AMZ Sellers Beware of Fair Market Pricing Violations Arising Due To Price Gouging During Covid-19

I am very hopeful that this problem is not going to reemerge, fair pricing policy violations, as the pandemic gets a bit worse. And if you want to know what I’m talking about, please stay tuned and watch this entire video.

When the pandemic first exploded and all the stores were shut down and when your sales started to skyrocket, many of you were using auto-pricer software that increased the prices of your products as the demand went up and supply went down.

The problem was that that violated many states’ price gouging laws, and also resulted in Amazon contacting you and suspending you for violating Amazon’s fair market pricing policies.

I believe it was a whole bunch of nonsense, and in every single case where we were involved with attorney generals all over the country, every single case was resolved without any significant penalties whatsoever.

So what am I talking about? I know this is a bit long-winded. Well, we’ve received at least one new client who has been suspended for fair market pricing violations. Although we have not received a complaint from the attorney general in their state yet. So the point of this whole video is that if the pandemic should get worse and certain products should become scarce again, you have to be very careful with your pricing. You cannot simply rely upon price setting software, because the prices may go up so high under the software that you really are engaging in price gouging even though you don’t intend to do so.

So if you’re selling anything at all related to health and safety, gloves, sanitizer, anything directly related to the pandemic, be super careful about pricing. You can’t solely rely upon software because your prices go so high you may get into trouble just like dozens of sellers did in the beginning stages of the pandemic.

I’m really hopeful this does not become a problem again for Amazon sellers, and that our entire country, and in fact the entire world, gets through this pandemic as soon as possible. If you are facing issues with price gouging during Covid-19:


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