Recently, we had an Amz seller’s account suspended after an allegation of selling counterfeit products. His account was suspended due to several counterfeit complaints filed against him through the intellectual property infringement system. Counterfeit complaints are a type of trademark complaint. Most trademark complaints are baseless; most sellers do not sell counterfeit goods.

This individual had sent multiple appeals to Amazon and was completely unsuccessful in getting their account back. They hired us, and our attorneys were able to assist them.

Sometimes, no matter how prepared you are, you could face a counterfeit or inauthentic item complaint, either due to a customer’s mistake or because a competitor wants to slow you down. Either way, you will need to put together a plan of action (POA) as part of your Amazon suspension appeal.

When we conducted an audit of their account, the first thing that we realized was that three of the five ASINs that were flagged had never been sold, yet our client’s account was suspended for an allegation of the sale of counterfeit products. It was clear that there was no basis for the complaints filed.

By pointing this out to Amazon in our POA and showing that the complaint was completely baseless, we were able to get our point across to the Notice-Dispute team and as a result, our clients account was reinstated.

Today, our client is back to selling on Amazon.

At Rosenbaum Famularo, PC, our process involves speaking with sellers, reviewing sellers’ accounts and reaching out to complainants as your attorneys. Every case is conferenced; our sellers get the benefit of our collaborative team approach.

If your accounts get suspended for counterfeit sales, contact an Amazon lawyer to help you put together a plan of action. Our lawyers are professionally qualified to defend you in a counterfeit case, Amazon suspension, or Amazon lawsuit.

contact ASLWe are always happy to assist sellers in getting their accounts back up and running. For help with your suspended Amazon account, contact us for a free consultation 1-877-9-SELLER.

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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