Amazon Sellers’ News 12/30/19 with CJ Rosenbaum:

POWER TO AMAZON SELLERS, Related Accounts, Avoid Selling HEMP/CBD Products That Cause Suspensions

If you received an intellectual property right complaint, I want sellers to know today and throughout 2020 that sellers have tremendous power and tools at your disposal.

Please stay with me to the very end of today’s breaking news, we’re going to be talking about the strength that every single seller has all over the world.

Hemp and CBD products are a huge problem for Amz sellers.

One, you can’t sell them on Amazon. Number two, the sourcing shows have a plethora of vendors selling CBD and hemp products. If you’re an Amazon seller, our strong suggestion is to just stay away from these products regardless of what the vendors say: they cause problems, cause suspensions, your entire account goes down and then Amazon freezes your money.

The strength sellers have when it comes to IP complaints.

If you lose a listing based upon an IP complaint, you should immediately try and get that complaint retracted. Still, even going into 2020, nobody knows how many IP complaints an account can sustain before it goes down. I want you to look for retractions from those complaints from positions of strength to show you’re not violating anybody’s IP rights. You are entirely protected by the first sale doctrine. Also, you might be open to having us negotiate a licensing agreement for you.

Every single Amazon seller all over the world has the right to bring a counter-notice if you’ve been falsely accused of violating somebody’s copyright.

In 2020, know that you have power, know that you have leverage, get those IP complaints withdrawn immediately and don’t ever get suspended based upon baseless intellectual property or rights owner complaints.

If you’ve been suspended on Amazon, contact us for a free consultation: 1-877-9-SELLER.

Thank you for watching Amazon Sellers’ News 12/30/19. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s breaking news.

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