Amazon Sellers’ News 9/30/19 with CJ Rosenbaum:

1. Restricted Product Suspensions
2. Multiple IP Complaint Suspensions
3. False Counterfeit Complaints
4. Incredible Upcoming Global Events
5. Suspected IP Issues in Dashboard

Multiple IP complaint suspensions continue to grow.

As soon as an IP complaint comes in, you need to address it whether you are suspended or not. You need to get complaints withdrawn. Most brands will withdraw their complaints as long as you’re not selling their products and especially if you can show that you’ve been selling genuine products. Try and get a retraction or hire us to get a retraction. Go to notice dispute. Consider submitting a counter-notice, but get those IP complaints addressed as soon as they come in.

If someone is making false counterfeit complaints against your account:

Meaning you either never delivered that product or you’re 100% certain that the product you delivered was entirely genuine. The goal of the two legal causes of action that you have is to use as leverage to negotiate a withdrawal of the complaint because when a brand makes a false counterfeit complaint against you, they have accused you of a crime called defamation, which subjects you to prison. They’ve also interfered with your contract with Amazon.

On October 10th at 12:30 p.m. eastern time, you don’t have to travel anywhere at all, Seller Labs is having an incredible online summit. I’ll be speaking at the summit.

On October 15th I’m heading to India to learn how to source products. Whether you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, that trade war is something you need to deal with, and changing where to source your products is absolutely vital. It’s also vital to develop an entire business that you can either sell or draw investors in. You want to diversify, not just your products, but diversify where you get your products from.

Global Sources in Hong Kong, October 27 – 29 is a remarkable event because you get to hear from speakers from all over the world that don’t speak in the United States. If you never actually visited a Chinese factory, this is a great stepping stone to getting there.

There is an incredible fear of suspension on Amazon sellers as the suspected IP box keeps filling up and getting larger and larger.

I want sellers around the world to be prepared. If you have suspected IP issues in your dashboard, make a list. Make it ASIN by ASIN, or company by company, and be prepared with invoices that you can track all the way back to the manufacturer to show that you are not selling inauthentic products. Show that you can trace invoices all the way back to the manufacturer. I want to make sure that you can show you did not scrape anybody else’s images, and you did not copy and paste anyone else’s verbiage. Be prepared for IP cases to start blowing up. I want you to be able to address them.

Amazon Sellers' NewsAmazon Sellers’ News with CJ Rosenbaum

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