Amazon Sellers’ News 10/17/19: Business Verification Rejections for Amazon Sellers, ASIN Variation Abuse & other news

  • Business Verification & Wyoming Corporations
  • CJ Interviews Amazon’s Staff in India: People, NOT BOTS, read Your Emails
  • ASIN / Listing Abuse Suspensions
  • Parent Child Listings
  • Amazon Sending Warnings Under the New TOS
  • Brand Registered Sellers & Hijackers

Right now, we are seeing an influx of business verification appeals being rejected when the company is registered in Wyoming. We are not so sure what the correlation here is, but just be wary, if you are trying to operate a business and you do want to register it in Wyoming. If there is any other way to register your business, I would highly suggest that you do that to avoid suspension.

Straight from India, I want Amazon sellers all over the world to know that there are real people reading your plans of action, real people evaluating your IP issues, and if you are an Amazon delivery person, if you’re one of the independent contractors or the last mile people, there are real people here in India reading every single email that you send in, and doing the best job they can to evaluate what information they have, when to reinstate your accounts, when to reimburse you for inventory. They are good, hardworking, well-educated people, following rules that sometimes are not as clear as they could be. Please stay tuned to the breaking news over the next week or so, and I will update you as to everything I’ve learned by speaking to over two dozen Amazon employees here in India.

ASIN variation abuse is something that is very popular on the Amazon platform right now. We are seeing a lot of child products that are not true variations, and accounts are being suspended for it. Before accounts are being suspended, they are actually being warned. So it’s essential that you check your email, as well as your performance notifications, but mainly your email. Because we are seeing a lot of sellers receiving these warnings only in their email and then being confused as to why they are now suspended.

Right now, we’re seeing an influx of brand registered sellers actually receiving IP complaints on their own listing. This is a little bit more difficult to appeal to Amazon, especially if you don’t have proof. So a few things that you can do is, definitely show Amazon that you are a brand registered seller on the Amazon platform. You may also want to go back into your orders and take a screenshot of the original title of the listing. This actually allows Amazon to see like, “Hey, maybe the title changed. Maybe somebody else put their own brand name on these listings, but it used to be this.” It is very important that you provide Amazon with as much proof as possible, even going into the detail page and seeing if the brand name is still the brand name of your brand.

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