Amazon Seller Reinstated After Suspension

A seller was sourcing products with other sellers, and selling on different Amazon accounts, which is against Amazon’s policies. The seller claimed to not know that this was against Amazon’s guidelines.

Corrective actions included getting to know Amazon’s guidelines and policies, and not associating with the previous group.

Preventative measures included making sure that the seller is up to date on Amazon’s guidelines and making sure that the IP address associated with their seller’s account is the only one used.

Through the help of Rosenbaum & Segall, PC, another Amazon seller has been reinstated.

Multiple Seller Accounts: operating and maintaining multiple seller accounts is prohibited on Amazon.

If you have been suspended from selling on Amazon, call us today for a FREE consultation 1-877-9-Seller.

Helping Online Sellers Worldwide

ROSENBAUM FAMULARO, PC: law firm geared towards intellectual property law and brand protection in the global ecommerce marketplace.

CONTACT US: everything you say, all information you disclose, any business practices you discuss, are 100% confidential by law under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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