Amazon Reveals Names of Sellers Accused of Being Related to Other Amazon Accounts
Before we get to the news about related account suspensions, I had the opportunity today to do some emails with Empire Flippers. If you are looking to exit your Amazon-based business and you want to sell, or you are looking to buy an Amazon-based business or any other online business, the only broker we recommend around the entire world is Empire Flippers. The principals at Empire Flippers are remarkable business people. I have learned a tremendous amount from them.
So, if you’re interested in either selling your Amazon-based business or buying another online-based business, please make sure you check out, head and shoulders above any other online business broker I’ve ever met, bar none.
Okay. Let’s get to the breaking news today. It has to do with related accounts.
So, the bad news is that related account suspensions are up.
The good news is Amazon is releasing the full name of the account you’re accused of being related to.
So, if Amazon has caught you and Amazon is right, you’re going to know it because you’re going to recognize the other account or the full name associated with that account. Also, if one of your employees or one of your staff has an account in their basement, if they’re not supposed to be involved in another account, yet they are behind your back, you’re going to know that, as well.
So, in a way, it’s good news because Amazon is actually giving you more and more information. The bad news is the big reveal a few months ago, when Amazon was releasing your information and your addresses, that is coming back to haunt you in another way because the related account suspensions are up.
So, the news today is mixed. It’s bad that Amazon is coming after you for related accounts. It’s bad that Amazon, likely the most diverse company on earth, is coming down again on sellers for diversifying a bit that you’re not subject to one account being suspended and your entire income going away, but the good news is at least when Amazon is doing it, they’re giving you more information. So, either you know you got caught or you can identify what the relationship is or identify that there is no relationship. So, related account suspensions are up, but Amazon is giving you more and more information.
If you’ve been accused of operating multiple seller accounts, contact us.
Here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST