Amazon Pursues Fashion Industry Dominance During NYFW

The online powerhouse was one of the sponsors for this past week’s New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Men’s for the Spring / Summer 2017 collection. Amazon has maximized its efforts to establish a respectable name when it comes to fashion, and the fashion world is noticing.

Amazon is no longer just an online store for highly discounted goods. Amazon Fashion is a portion of the website that allows shoppers to purchase clothing, shoes, and accessories from designers. The company has redirected its focus toward quality when it comes to what is available to purchase on the Amazon Fashion page. Many designers have teamed up with Amazon and sell their goods through the platform. Amazon themselves have even created their own clothing lines such as: Society New York; Franklin & Freeman; James & Erin; Lark & Ro Franklin Tailored; Scout & Ro; and North Eleven. These lines have brought Amazon up to speed with the rapidly changing, ever-evolving fashion world. A quality product is in demand, and Amazon is determined to provide just that to its customers. The website has been redesigned, they have created their own labels, and now, Amazon has taken its marketing strategies to the next level at New York Fashion Week.

Amazon celebrated NYFW by hosting an event with East Dane this past Tuesday at the “Prime Lounge” located at the Skylight Clarkson Space. Models and celebrities blended together to enjoy a relaxed-vibe evening. These guests were also treated to Amazon products that were raffled off. This night established Amazon as a company to keep an eye on.


Amazon Sponsors Fashion Week to Expand their Reach

Amazon’s main focus remains on expansion, and that is why they want to add a new stream of customers to their website. Their fashion week party was an attempt not to just impress designers, but customers. Their Twitter and Instagram accounts posted updates of the runways and the party for those who were unable to attend. Those who are paying attention to fashion week have been rapidly updating their social media accounts to see the new designs. These people have already created lists of their favorite looks and designers. It is this demographic of fashion-forward individuals that Amazon wants to attract to its website.

Amazon Fashion currently showcases Amazon’s favorite designers from this past week’s events. While you cannot buy the looks directly from the runway just yet, Amazon does allow customers to purchase products from the designer’s collections that have already hit the market. John Varvatos is one of the top designers whose clothing and accessories are available on the online platform. The designer showcased his Spring / Summer 2017 collection this past Thursday. The Washington Post called him fashion week’s “Most Valuable Player”. It is no surprise that Amazon quickly updated its page so that the first pick is this well-respected designer. Other labels available on the website include Theory, Parke & Ronen and Nick Graham.

Clearly, Amazon Fashion is growing in popularity and reputation in the fashion industry. Competition is fierce for existing brands, new designers, and retailers; but Amazon seems to be determined to come out on top. New marketing strategies have been established and Amazon Fashion is now looked at in a more positive light. Can Amazon really dominate this industry through their online platform? Only time will tell.

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