Amazon’s Disclosure of Sellers’ Identification Causing Related Seller Account Suspensions

Incredibly damaging fallout from what I believe is Amazon’s disclosure of sellers’ identification and locations.

Over the last week or so, we have received literally dozens, if not hundreds, of calls and emails from Amazon sellers being suspended for related accounts. It seems like this is just the tip of the iceberg of the fallout from Amazon’s big reveal of sellers’ data and location information.

If you’re an Amazon seller and you have other Amazon accounts, you need to be careful right now.

The number of suspensions is absolutely through the roof. Also, if you are considering opening another account in your name, a company name, your spouse’s name, your friend’s name, your brother or sister’s name, your gardener’s name, don’t do it until after the new year. I can’t tell you how many distressed sellers I’ve spoken to over the last week, where they opened up an account, or helped somebody else open up one, and their entire business is at risk now because Amazon has shut them down.

If you’ve been accused of being engaged in more than one Amazon account, all is not lost.

They’re certainly not easy suspensions to get back, but here is the key. We go after the oldest account first. That’s the one Amazon is most likely to reinstate, and reinstate the fastest.

So in summary, watch out for related account suspensions on Amazon. Do not open up new accounts right now. If your account gets suspended for related accounts, you have to go after the oldest account first, in most circumstances.

If you need help with a related account suspension, contact us for a free consultation now 1-877-9-SELLER.

Contact us. Here for sellers: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST

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