Amazon 3rd Party Services Causing Suspensions / 72 Hour Notifications for Review Manipulations

A client received a 72 hour performance notification for an alleged review manipulation.

They were determined to get this resolved asap so that their account wouldn’t be suspended within the 72 hour time frame.

After discussing the case with the client, they notified us that they were using a 3rd party service that helped generate reviews (specifically 4 and 5 star reviews) on their Amazon account. This 3rd party service would reach out to individuals, ask them to leave a review in exchange for a free product.

We didn’t want to admit this to Amazon because our client was not exactly sure what this 3rd party service was doing, so after our client reached out to the third-party service, they were provided with an Excel sheet with all the customers names and orders that were ‘fake reviews’ and our client needed to contact all the customers that left the fake review asking them to either remove it as well as simultaneously asking Amazon to remove the feedback that was not genuine.

Our client was able to do this, but until we provided Amazon with additional information, they did not accept the appeal, so it took about 2 tries for their account to get reinstated. Our client was very happy, and they ensured that they would no longer be using Amazon 3rd party services. Additionally, our client did have email communication through a specific app with this third-party software program so we were able to provide that communication with Amazon, which they also did accept, so this was definitely beneficial and it just goes to show that you should make sure you always have any communication with suppliers, third party services, or any individuals that you are working with. That way, if you need to provide that information to Amazon whenever it’s necessary, it could definitely help your case.


*** If you hired another company to draft your Plan of Action or Appeal and they’re not available to you, contact us today. We are here for Amazon sellers every day of the week: MON-FRI: 9am – 8pm, SAT & SUN: 10am – 6pm EST ***

Free consultations: 1-877-9-SELLER

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

For additional information on 72 hour notifications:

SUCCESS: Reinstatement on 72 hour complaints. We write the world’s best Plans of Action for Amazon sellers.

Amazon Sellers’ 72 Hour Notice Price Gouging Suspension: Winning POA’s & Private Label Opportunities

Suspended Seller Fulfilled Prime Account Reinstated in 72 Hours

Suspended Sellers: give Amazon EXACTLY what they’re asking for.

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