AMAZON SELLERS LAWYER SUCCESS: Five suspended ASINs reinstated after multiple performance notifications.

Recently, a client had 5 ASINs suspended for being inauthentic.

An ASIN is the Amazon Standard Identification Number.
ASINs are used for product identification within the Amazon platform.

Amazon suspended the accounts for being inauthentic. Inauthentic is a term loosely defined by Amazon that often confuses sellers who receive this type of complaint. According to seller policies, inauthentic items are not quite “counterfeit”. In the eyes of Amazon, inauthentic items are not completely “fake”, but they are part of a gray market category that can get quite complicated. This gray market can be hit or miss – regardless, when Amazon chooses to flag your item as potentially inauthentic, it means that the product has allegedly been purchased from a source that is not authorized to sell it.

In order to rectify the situation, we needed to draft a plan of action. A plan of action is basically an exercise in persuasive writing. It consists of three parts: Root Cause, Immediate Corrective Action, and Systemic Changes to your Business.

The Root Cause will identify the reason for the complaints. As Amazon will not always provide specific information regarding the reason for the suspension, a seller will have to do a deep dive of their account to figure out the exact cause. They should examine their performance notifications, feedback, and the email from Amazon itself.

The Immediate Corrective Action is what the seller is going to do to immediately fix the problem at hand. Amazon wants to see that sellers are doing whatever it takes to keep consumers happy. For example, if there is a problem with the item sold, send the customer a new one free of charge.

The Preventative Corrective Measures are ways that will show Amazon that the seller has improved their business practices and will remain compliant in the future. In this section, sellers need to show Amazon the changes that are going to be made to their business practices to ensure that the current issue will not occur again down the line.

When doing our deep dive, we found many complaints. We looked through Buyer Messages, Auto Returns, and Feedback. We also reviewed our client’s listings. We discovered that our client had ignored all the complaints, which was why his account had so many notifications.

Please pay attention to these performance notifications. Because our client didn’t, his account got hit with 5 ASINs altogether. All 5 of these performance notifications were from different points in time over the course of a year. They all came back together as one suspension. So sellers, watch out for these notifications and deal with them right away.

For help getting your suspended ASINs reinstated, contact us at:

[email protected]

GET HELP NOW: The law firm of Rosenbaum Famularo, PC is required by law to assure you 100% confidentiality. We protect your privacy under the Attorney-Client Privilege.

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