People make boatloads of money dropshipping and I’m going to give you three huge tips that if you’re doing it, even though you’re not supposed to on Amazon, these are three tips that you have to hear…

Okay Amazon sellers, those experienced sellers, those sellers who are just starting out and you’re saying, man, I’m going to get into dropshipping. I will see the order at one price, I’ll buy it for less, send it there and I will make some money on every single purchase with limited risk. I want to talk to you about three things you need to know about dropshipping on Amazon.

Number one, the products are not supposed to arrive at Amazon’s consumers doorstep with Home Depot, Best Buy, Walmart or any other company’s packaging. It is bad branding for Amazon and when an Amazon consumer reaches out to Amazon is like, hey, what the heck? My product has a Walmart all over it, Amazon will suspend your account because you’re doing dropshipping outside of the terms of Amazon.

Number two, big, big problem when you’re only dropshipping is that Amazon will, from time to time ask you to provide invoices that show where you sourced your products from. A wholesaler, the brand directly someplace and if you are dropshipping, guess what, you got no invoices. You don’t have any invoices to submit. So solely doing dropshipping, I think you can still make a boatload of money, but it a lot of risk.

There’s another question out there, is dropshipping legal?

There’s nothing illegal about it and the United States system, and again, we use the law to help Amazon sellers, if something is not illegal, that means it’s legal. So answer the question, is Amazon dropshipping legal? Yes. Okay. There’s no Amazon policy, at least not yet.

Number three, if you are dropshipping and your products arrive on the doorstep and it says Walmart on it or Home Depot or Best Buy or whatever and you get suspended, how do you get your account back?

Well, one of the most winning arguments to get dropshippers back in the game is to draft a new business model for you and persuade Amazon staff in India, who I personally met in Hyderabad, India to persuade these young people that you have only gone into dropshipping to learn the platform, to learn how to sell but now you are going to be a traditional retailer or you’re developing your own brand. We write a brand new business model for you to submit to Amazon within your plan of action. Plans of action are the keys to reinstatement and this is the greatest book in the world on how to avoid getting suspended and how to get your accounts and listings back by writing killer plans of action on Amazon.


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